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Pediatric Hand Surgery

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage



This book describes and illustrates surgical procedures of proven efficacy in infants and children with congenital hand deformities, hand traumas, hand dysfunctions due to obstetric palsy of brachial plexus. Essential background information is first provided on anatomy, hand development, and patterns of use. Extensive sections are then devoted to the surgical treatment of trauma to different parts of the hand and each of the relevant congenital conditions. Full guidance on treatment choice is provided, with description of the treatment pathways appropriate in different circumstances and explanation of the impact of patients’ young age on the surgical approach. Readers will learn about the complex features that may be masked even by the simplest congenital condition such as syndactyly and about the implications for treatment. In depth information is also provided on the character and vital role of rehabilitation in the pediatric population. Pediatricians, hand surgeons, plastic surgeons, pediatric surgeons, rheumatologists, neurologists, and physiotherapists will all find that the book improves their clinical practice.


Handchirurgie Scan

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Bietet CME-Fortbildungsartikel, Überblick zu wichtiger internationaler Literatur sowie kritische Expertenkommentare.

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Mit Originalartikeln, Rezensionen innerhalb und außerhalb von Spezialthemen, Berichten über moderne Operationstechniken, Fallberichten sowie klinischen Tipps und Tricks.

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Handchirurgie - Mikrochirurgie - Plastische Chirurgie

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Mit den aktuellen Erkenntnissen und neuesten Techniken zur Behandlung von Verletzungen, Erkrankungen und angeborenen Fehlbildungen.

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