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Coopers Fundamentals of Hand Therapy

Clinical Reasoning and Treatment Guidelines for Common Diagnoses of the Upper Extremity

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3/E 2020

Written for hand therapy specialists and non-specialists, Cooper's Fundamentals of Hand Therapy, 3rd Edition emphasizes treatment fundamentals, and provides tips and guidelines for hand therapy practice. This easy-to-use illustrated text and reference guide helps further develop your clinical reasoning skills by describing what goes into the evaluation process, highlighting the humanistic side of each encounter through case studies, and providing the wisdom the contributing authors have acquired through years of practice. This new edition also features additional chapters on the use of common physical agents and orthoses, plus added content on how to integrate evidence-based findings into daily hand practice.


Handchirurgie - Mikrochirurgie - Plastische Chirurgie

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Mit den aktuellen Erkenntnissen und neuesten Techniken zur Behandlung von Verletzungen, Erkrankungen und angeborenen Fehlbildungen.

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Bietet CME-Fortbildungsartikel, Überblick zu wichtiger internationaler Literatur sowie kritische Expertenkommentare.

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