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Osteomyelitis and Discitis of the Spine

A Guide for the Management of Infectious Etiology of the Vertebral Column and Neurological Components

Noch nicht erschienen, ca. Sep. Liefertermin 1-3 Tage nach Erscheinen



Osteomyelitis and Discitis of the Spine: A Guide for the Management of Infectious Etiology of the Vertebral Column and Neurological Components examines these spinal conditions and provides readers with the most appropriate management plans, including surgical treatment together with its indications. This book guides spine neurosurgeons and others when choosing the optimal surgical approach for their patients, shedding light on current advances in surgical techniques used in the management of vertebral osteomyelitis and discitis, particularly minimally invasive spine approaches.With authors representing diverse specialties, chapters reflect current clinical and surgical practice and discuss pathophysiology and pain management and rehabilitation. The book begins with related anatomy and extends to post-management rehabilitation and pain control, including a chapter dedicated to paediatric patients and their differing causative organisms, etiology, diagnostic modalities, and pathophysiology. This reference will provide increased awareness of potential spinal infection, facilitating multidisciplinary management plans, improving patient safety and outcomes, and enabling early intervention alternatives that improve patient outcomes and long-term quality of life


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