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A Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Child Physical Abuse and Neglect

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3/E 2019

The impact of child maltreatment on victims, families, and society—from immediate medical care and legal services to long-term mental health care and law enforcement—cannot be understated. And it remains a severe problem in spite of increasing public awareness and stricter laws. To keep up with growing body of professionals staying informed on this subject, the second edition of A Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Child Physical Abuse and Neglect assists the reader in recognizing abuse/neglect (exclusive of sexual abuse) in children and youth, and determining its extent. Illustrated with clinical photographs, the Guide details systematic evaluation procedures, explains the tasks of an evaluation team, and expands and updates the knowledge base in these and other major areas:

Specific injuries, including burns, bruises, fractures, head and abdominal injuries

Malnourishment and other forms of neglect

Medical child abuse (previously known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy)

Maltreatment of children with special health care needs

Domestic partner violence

Prevention strategies, psychosocial assessment, collaborations with law enforcement and the courts, and more

The new edition of the Practical Guide to the Evaluation of Child Physical Abuse and Neglect offers expert information useful to practitioners across professional domains: public health professionals in maternal and child health and school settings; physicians and nurses; clinical social workers, child psychologists, and school psychologists; attorneys and law enforcement personnel.

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