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Introduction to Statistical Methods in Pathology

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage



This text provides a comprehensive and practical review of the main statistical methods in pathology and laboratory medicine. It introduces statistical concepts used in pathology and laboratory medicine. The information provided is relevant to pathologists both for their day to day clinical practice as well as in their research and scholarly activities. The text will begins by explaining the fundamentals concepts in statistics. In the later sections, these fundamental concepts are expanded and unique applications of statistical methods in pathology and laboratory medicine practice are introduced. Other sections of the text explain research methodology in pathology covering a broad range of topics from study design to analysis of data. Finally, data-heavy novel concepts that are emerging in pathology and pathology research are presented such as molecular pathology and pathology informatics.Introduction to Statistical Methods in Pathology will be of great value for pathologists, pathology residents, basic and translational researchers, laboratory managers and medical students.

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