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Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Surgery Case Atlas

Pediatric Deformities / Print + eReference

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage


1st ed. 2015

Weitere Formate und Ausgaben

€ 588,49

Consisting of case studies contributed by both domestic and international leaders in the field, this is an invaluable resource for all orthopedic surgeons and researchers and practitioners of limb lengthening, deformity correction and the Ilizarov method. Comprehensive yet accessible, this volume covers pediatric deformity correction, from congenital deformities to growth plate injuries. Each of the unique cases includes color photographs and radiographs from before, during and after surgery and will follow a consistent chapter structure which outlines a brief clinical history of the case, preoperative problem list, treatment strategy, basic principles, technical pearls and how to avoid and manage complications and subsequent problems. Suggested readings round out each case. A comprehensive presentation of techniques is featured, including external fixation, internal fixation, combination approaches and fully implantable limb lengthening nails. This case-based approach is an efficient and thorough way to learn this exciting new frontier in orthopedic surgery.


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