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Cunninghams Manual of Practical Anatomy

Vol 1: General Anatomy, Upper and Lower Limbs

Noch nicht erschienen, ca. Aug. Liefertermin 1-3 Tage nach Erscheinen


17th edition 2024

Weitere Formate und Ausgaben

€ 35,00

The 17th edition of this renowned anatomy text covers all the gross anatomy competencies required by the National Medical Council of India curricula. Volume 1 provides a clear, up-to-date and complete guide to general anatomy and the anatomy of upper and lower limbs. Five new chapters on general anatomy, osteology and surface marking gives students easy-to-read and well-illustrated accounts of these topics for learning and exam preparation.

Richly illustrated and packed with dissection boxes, clinical examples, and application boxes this text helps readers to easily learn anatomy in the dissection lab, classroom, and hospital. Now in it's 17th edition, it combines anatomical expertise with contemporary learning.

Purchasers of the 17th edition can access the online version of the book with 50 multiple choice questions and extra image-based revision content in an online appendix (see inside cover for details). Reader friendly, Cunningham's brings expert anatomical teaching to the modern-day student of medicine, dentistry, and allied health sciences.

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