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Lookingbill & Marks Principles of Dermatology

Noch nicht erschienen, ca. Aug. Liefertermin 1-3 Tage nach Erscheinen


7/E 2024

Perfect for medical students, dermatology first-year residents, dermatology nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other primary care physicians, Lookingbill & Marks’ Principles of Dermatology is a concise, abundantly illustrated, everyday reference for dermatologic diagnosis and therapy. This text is a true primer: it assumes no prior knowledge and is intuitively organized by morphology (appearance) rather than etiology (cause). A reader favorite through six outstanding editions, this updated 7th Edition follows a consistent, templated approach with key points, clinical pearls, differential diagnosis, and tables of first- and second-line treatments—making it easy to read and understand. Superb clinical photographs, full-color histopathology images, and corresponding cross-sectional line diagrams provide an easy-to-understand framework for categorizing skin conditions.


Der Hautarzt

Für Fachärzte in Klinik und Praxis

Informiert über wichtige Entwicklungen in der gesamten Dermatologie, bietet Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem aktuellen Schwerpunktthema sowie Kasuistiken und CME.

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Aktuelle Dermatologie

Gesamte Spektrum der Dermatologie

Bietet CME, Kasuistiken, Übersichten, Originalien, ein Histo-Quiz und Literaturreferaten internationaler Studien.

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