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Lung Biology and Pathophysiology

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The lungs are the organ for gas exchange between the body and the external environment. Dysfunction of upper airway epithelium and smooth muscle cells leads to pathogenesis of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, and other conditions, resulting in airway inflammation and narrowing. Injury to alveolar epithelium and endothelium causes influx of neutrophil and protein-rich fluid from circulation, resulting in edema and disruption of gas exchange. In addition to lung structural cells, immune cells, including alveolar macrophages and lymphocytes play critical roles in the maintenance of lung function. This book contributes to the understanding homeostasis of lung cells in the physiological and pathological conditions critical to the development of novel therapeutics.

Key Features

Highlights the role the lungs play as an interface between the body and the environment
Describes the underlying mechanism of lung diseases
Emphasizes the ways nutrition contributes to lung health as well as the ways pollution adversely affect lung function
Includes contributions from leading researchers


Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

Das themenorientierte Review-Journal

Konzentriert sich auf neue Verfahren für Diagnostik und Therapie, Laborstudien, Pathologien und klinische Merkmale von Lungenerkrankungen und Intensivpflege.

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Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten

Experimentelle und klinische Pneumologie

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