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Mistake-Based Learning: Cardiology

Avoiding Medical Errors

Noch nicht erschienen, ca. 1. Halbjahr. Liefertermin 1-3 Tage nach Erscheinen



Deliver the highest quality care to your patients by recognizing and minimizing common mistakes.

Providing quality care free of clinical errors isn’t just a matter of knowing what to do in any given situation—it’s about actively knowing what not to do. Mistake-Based Learning in Cardiology: Avoiding Medical Errors provides healthcare professionals with a summary of the common ways to inadvertently cause medical errors for each major clinical action. This resource also provides valuable information on why the mistake may be made and openly discusses medical errors to facilitate growth, learning, and psychological safety in today’s workplace.

New to this edition

Key Features

Identifies the most common errors associated with each disease and clinical action.
Dissects each mistake into potential reasoning errors and pinpoints the major clinical principles related to the error.
Helps you understand why the mistake was made and how to avoid similar mistakes, empowering you with pre-emptive thoughts that act as an excellent first-line defense against medical mistakes.
Supports you with timely, point-of-care solutions if the medical error were to occur.
Uses a concise, templated format for quick reference and review.
Helps prepare you for clinical rotations and future practice, as well as for the medicine and cardiology board exams.
An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.


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