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Key Trials in Cardiothoracic Surgery

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A concise summary of the most important clinical trials in cardiac and thoracic surgery. The focus is on how evidence-based decision making has helped to shape modern practice and guidelines. The key trials are described and an overview of their impact provided.

Much research has been undertaken to study the efficacy of different drugs, techniques, and treatment strategies within cardiothoracic surgery. As a result, many randomised controlled trials have been published which discuss a wide variety of topics and with the intention of improving current practice and patient care. This volume presents a selection of the key trials and assesses their impact. Compact and easy to read, the distillation of core information will enable the reader to understand the importance of the key papers that have influenced best practice across operating theatres, clinics, multi-disciplinary meetings, and inpatient management.

Including full summaries of more than 30 trials and reflecting the clinical scenarios encountered in everyday practice by cardiothoracic surgeons, this concise volume is written for both trainee and more experienced members of the surgical team.


Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie

Immer up to date bleiben

Bietet aktuelle chirurgische und technologische Trends, Kasuistiken zu ungewöhnlichen Krankheits- bzw. Behandlungsverläufen, CME-Fortbildung und Expertenkommentare.

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Zentralblatt für Chirurgie

Praxisrelevantes für die Chirurgie

Mit Aktuellem zur Chirurgie, Kurzreferaten, Übersichten und Originalarbeiten sowie interessanten, seltenen oder ungewöhnlichen Fällen.

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The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Immer auf dem Laufenden sein

Mit Originalartikeln und Besprechungsankündigungen über wichtige klinische Fortschritte sowie Hintergrundwissen zur kardiovaskulären und thorakalen Chirurgie.

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