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Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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4/E 2023

Fully revised for this fourth edition, the Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology fully reflects new developments in the field. Featuring new sections on the outcomes of the MBRRACE report, abnormally adherent and invasive placenta, pregnancies in mothers of advanced age, assisted reproduction, and ovarian cancer screening, it provides a contemporary overview of this complex and important specialty.

Written and reviewed by a team of highly experienced clinicians, academics, and trainees, this Handbook is a perfect starting point for preparation for postgraduate exams. Practical advice is presented with key evidence-based guidelines, supported by visual algorithms and top clinical tips.

The previous edition was Highly Commended in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology category of the BMA Book Awards. The indispensable, concise, and practical guide to all aspects of obstetric and gynaecological medical care, diagnosis, and management, this fourth edition continues to be the must-have resource for all specialist trainees, junior doctors, and students, as well as a valuable aide memoire for experienced clinicians.

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