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Intensive Care Medicine

The Essential Guide

Noch nicht erschienen, ca. Juli. Liefertermin 1-3 Tage nach Erscheinen



Exams are an essential component of one's training pathway in the quest to become a Consultant. For trainees undertaking a career in Intensive Care Medicine (ICM), sadly this is no exception, however, herewith is a suitable text to aid you upon that arduous journey towards the completion of your training – hurrah! Written in an accessible style, chapters follow a consistent layout throughout, including numerous images and tables, key learning points, and further reading. Experts in all of the main specialties provide specific and detailed knowledge of individual subject areas considered to be fundamental to one's ICM knowledge base. The authors cover a broad spectrum of topics including therapeutic interventions and organ support, paediatric care, comfort and recovery, psychiatric disorders, and end of life care. An essential preparation textbook and revision aid for exam candidates in Intensive Care Medicine, the book is a useful guide for mentors and trainees too.

A valuable learning and reference tool for those undertaking and having passed all Intensive Care Medicine examinations
Chapters follow a consistent layout including key learning points, information on further reading, and uniform table format, providing accessibility for the reader
The original language and style of the individual authors has been preserved in each chapter, offering a more varied and interesting read to cater to different styles of learning


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