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Essentials of Equipment in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine

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6/E 2023

Easy to read and follow, Essentials of Equipment in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine makes an otherwise dry subject digestible and easy to learn. This practical textbook comprehensively covers all the equipment used in the operating theatre and intensive care unit, including why it is used and any related safety concerns. It has been fully updated in its sixth edition to include new technologies introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is ideal as the main text for all trainees undertaking the primary FRCA exams and is also suitable anyone who works with anaesthetic equipment, including anaesthetic and intensive care nurses and operating department practitioners. It features concise and consistent text and illustrations, self-assessment features, and exam tips.

New to this edition

Covers new equipment and fully updated relevant to current practice

Suggested further reading fully updated

New information on: Aladin Cassettes; Glostavent machine; CONTRAfluran system; videolaryngoscopy and high definition camera use in intubation and endoscopy; use of ultrasound in epidural; Penthrox; NRFit devices; Cell saver; ECMO



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