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The Psychiatric Interview

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5/E 2023

Focusing on the practical skills needed to establish rapport with patients and gain valuable clinical insights,The Psychiatric Interview, 5th Edition, offers a practical, concise approach to improving interviewing skills. Noted psychiatrist and award-winning mental health journalist Dr. Daniel J. Carlat uses a proven combination of mnemonics, specific techniques for approaching threatening topics, and phrasing examples to illustrate the nuances of the interviewing process, making this easy-to-digest text essential reading for trainees and practitioners in psychiatry, psychology, nursing, social work, and related fields.

Offers a concise, real-world approach to the psychiatric interview, filled with tips and pearls to develop confidence in interviewing

Brings you up to speed with the DSM 5-TR and current research, and includes a new chapter on techniques for the agitated patient and a new discussion of prolonged grief

Contains focused, practical sections on general principles of effective interviewing, obtaining the psychiatric history, and interviewing for diagnosis

Uses mnemonics and pocket cards to help you understand and remember key elements of the effective interview

Provides clear techniques for approaching threatening topics, and shows how relationships that are endangered can be repaired

Presents information in an engaging, conversational manner, helping you form an alliance with each patient in order to promote cooperation and effective treatment

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Ideal für die Fort- und Weiterbildung

Von aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und praxistauglichen Informationen bis hin zu Empfehlungen und Leitlinien der DMKG und DGM.

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Für ein besseres Patientenverständnis

Mit aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen und praktischen Informationen zur Balintarbeit, um Konflikte und Probleme schnell zu erkennen und zu lösen.

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