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Current Therapy and Surgery for Urogenital Tuberculosis

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage



This book is written by a high-skilled specialist with huge experience in diagnosis, therapy and surgery for urogenital tuberculosis UGTB is the second most common form of TB in countries with a severe epidemic situation and the third most common form in regions with low incidence of TB. With patients living in the region of a high TB incidence rate or patients who had contact with TB or suffer from recurrent course of the disease, all urogenital tract infections should be tested for UGTB. Patients with tuberculosis, including UGTB need long multi-drug chemotherapy, and compliance depends on the drug tolerance. Anti-TB therapy for kidney TB was complicated by adverse effects in 41.0%. This book discovers ways of minimizing side effects and presents optimal regimens and surgical techniques for UGTB patients.

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