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The Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management

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6/E 2022

Long recognized as the gold standard emergency airway management textbook, The Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management, Sixth Edition, remains the most trusted reference on this challenging topic. This practical reference, edited by Drs. Calvin A. Brown III, John C. Sakles, Nathan W. Mick, Jarrod M. Mosier, and Darren A. Braude, is the foundation text for these nationally recognized programs: The Difficult Airway Course: Emergency™, The Difficult Airway Course: Critical Care™, The Difficult Airway Course: EMS™, and The Difficult Airway Course: Residency Edition™. Its hands-on approach provides the concrete guidance you need to effectively respond wherever adult or pediatric airway emergencies may occur, including in and out of hospital settings, emergency departments, and urgent care centers.

Includes new chapters on Physiologically Difficult Airway; Human Factors in Emergency Airway Management; Intubating the Highly Infectious Patient (including COVID-19 considerations); and the Massively Soiled Airway

Emphasizes practicality with step-by-step instructions, mnemonics, easy-to-follow algorithms, and rich illustrations

Respected contributors from previous editions, Dr. Jarrod M. Mosier and Dr. Darren A. Braude, bring their extensive expertise in prehospital airway management (EMS) as new editors for this edition

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