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Thoracic Surgery for the Acute Care Surgeon

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This volume is a "how-to guide" to treating thoracic trauma and emergencies for acute care surgeons. It highlights the diagnosis and management of thoracic disease and injuries, and each chapter includes algorithms that lead readers through the process of identifying and treating many common and some uncommon thoracic pathologies. The international team of authors provides readers with a unique and diverse approach to the operative and non-operative challenges encountered by ACS surgeons. The large number of figures offers readers insights into what they can expect to see when caring for these patients. The editors understand that the management of adults and children differ and have included a specific chapter on pediatrics. Given the broad audience and diverse settings in which the text can be used, the authors also provide details of care in limited-resource environments. The volume is a valuable tool for professionals interested in thoracic surgery and acute care surgery.

Is a "how-to manual" on thoracic emergencies for acute care surgeons.

Focuses on the diagnosis and management (operative and non-operative) of thoracic injuries and disease

Highlights limited-resource environments and pediatrics


Der Unfallchirurg

Rund um die Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie

Mit praxisorientierten Übersichtsarbeiten, aktuellen Erkenntnissen der Unfallchirurgie, Bewertungen wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse sowie konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen.

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Der Notarzt

Interdisziplinär, praxisnah & präklinisch

Bietet medizinisches Fachwissen zur Notfallmedizin und Informationen zu organisatorischen, rechtlichen berufspolitischen und finanziellen Themen.

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Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie

Für Klinik, Wissenschaft und Forschung

CBerichte und Reportagen zu relevanten Themen, Möglichkeit CME-Punkte zu sammeln und Neues aus der Pharma- und Medizintechnik.

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