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A Practical Introduction

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Offering unique, essential coverage of the theoretical foundations and core techniques of a variety of psychotherapies, Psychotherapy: A Practical Introduction is a one-stop resource for psychiatry residents and psychiatrists beginning practice, as well as graduate trainees in psychology and clinical social work. This practical reference is an invaluable tool for understanding the common approaches fundamental to all therapies, exploring the most frequently used therapy approaches, learning evidence-based approaches for making treatment decisions, and engaging patients in safe and effective psychotherapies, regardless of treatment setting. For faculty instructors, brand new resource provides a readable, highly applicable core textbook for any introductory psychotherapy course or psychotherapy didactic series.

Offers a straightforward entryway to learning the essentials of psychotherapeutic work, with synopses and basic instructions for all ACGME-required approaches to psychotherapy (supportive, cognitive-behavioral, and psychodynamic approaches) and a helpful comparison and discussion of what works across all therapies, as well as how to incorporate the patient’s broader system and cultural background into treatment.
Includes an overview of assessment and case conceptualization that includes taking a useful history, articulating goals of the potential treatment, evaluation of the patient’s capacity to engage in talk-based treatment, and guidance on appropriate therapy selection.
Contains a section on providing psychotherapy in different clinical settings, such as community mental health settings, inpatient psychiatric units, consultation-liaison medical settings, and emergency rooms and crisis centers.
Discusses combining therapy with medication (from both the perspective of MDs and non-MDs partnering with a prescriber), as well as a final chapter that highlights how trainees can prepare to make the most of psychotherapy supervision.

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Für ein besseres Patientenverständnis

Mit aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen und praktischen Informationen zur Balintarbeit, um Konflikte und Probleme schnell zu erkennen und zu lösen.

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