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Internal Organs (Thieme Atlas of Anatomy)

Latin Nomenclature

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage


3/E 2021

Praise for the prior edition: "The THIEME Atlas of Anatomy – Internal Organs provides pertinent and well-executed anatomical illustrations, enriched with figures from diagnostic imaging. We strongly suggest this atlas not only to students in medicine, but also to residents and practitioners, including those involved in diagnostic imaging."—European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: Internal Organs, Third Edition by renowned educators Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher, along with consulting editor Wayne Cass, expands on prior editions with increased detail on anatomic relationships of inner organs, and the innervation and lymphatic systems of these organs. Organized by region, the book features 10 sections starting with an overview on body cavities. Subsequent sections cover the cardiovascular, blood, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, genital, endocrine, and autonomic nervous organ systems. Regional units covering the thorax and abdomen and pelvis begin with succinct overviews, followed by more in-depth chapters detailing the structure and neurovasculature of the region and its organs.

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