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Core Topics in Airway Management

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3/E 2021

About the Authors

Management of the airway is an important and challenging aspect of many clinicians' work and is a source of complications and litigation. The new edition of this popular book remains a clear, practical and highly-illustrated guide to all necessary aspects of airway management. The book has been updated throughout, to cover all changes to best practice and clinical management and provides extensive coverage of the key skills and knowledge required to manage airways in a wide variety of patients and clinical settings. The best of the previous editions has been preserved, whilst new chapters on videolaryngoscopy, awake tracheal intubation, lung separation, airway ultrasonography, airway management in an epidemic and many more have been added. This is an essential text for anyone who manages the airway including trainees and specialists in anaesthesia, emergency medicine, intensive care medicine, prehospital medicine as well as nurses and other healthcare professionals.


Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

Das themenorientierte Review-Journal

Konzentriert sich auf neue Verfahren für Diagnostik und Therapie, Laborstudien, Pathologien und klinische Merkmale von Lungenerkrankungen und Intensivpflege.

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Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten

Experimentelle und klinische Pneumologie

Bietet Übersichten, Originalarbeiten, Kasuistiken, aktuelle Kommentare, Interviews, Mitteilungen einschlägiger Gesellschaften und Buchbesprechungen.

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