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AO Learning from Failures in Orthopedic Trauma

Key Points for Success

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Numerous advances in basic research, surgical techniques, practice, and patient care have revolutionized surgery over the last 60 years and made the field with its many subspecialties more diverse but also more complex.

The surgical profession places high demands on surgeons who must often make the right split-second decisions. This can easily lead to misjudgments or mistakes.

Learning From Failures in Orthopedic Trauma—Key Points for Success is the first book of its kind to give surgeons the opportunity to learn from failures without making them themselves.

Based on the Spanish book Errores en la Osteosíntesis by Rafael Orozco Delclós, this publication offers real case examples that have been collected over the past 25 years. It is an essential and valuable resource as it specifically examines the reasons and responses to surgical error in real cases from different anatomical regions of the body, thus helping surgeons avoid the most frequent errors in osteosynthesis.

The collection of more than 70 cases will help surgeons recognize and avoid common failures, start reflecting in action, present failures as positive learning opportunities, and bring that knowledge into their daily practice.

The book is divided into 9 sections that analyze different types of failures. Key features are:

Analysis of failures to help surgeons avoid making mistakes that lead to those errors
More than 20 detailed and illustrative case-based chapters that analyze failures and offer tips to successfully prevent those mistakes
More than 1,100 x-rays, clinical images, and illustrations


Der Unfallchirurg

Rund um die Unfall- und Wiederherstellungschirurgie

Mit praxisorientierten Übersichtsarbeiten, aktuellen Erkenntnissen der Unfallchirurgie, Bewertungen wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse sowie konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen.

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European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

Interdisziplinäres Forum für Forschung und Klinik

Mit Originalarbeiten zu Diagnostik und Therapie in der klassischen Traumatologie sowie verwandten Fachgebieten. Bezieht das International Journal of Disaster Medicine mit ein.

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Arthritis + Rheuma

Praxisnah, verständlich, zuverlässig

Mit wissenschaftlichen Original- und Übersichtsarbeiten, exemplarischen Kasuistiken sowie den neuesten Entwicklungen in Diagnostik und Therapie.

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