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Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology

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2nd ed. 2019

This book compiles the subspecialty's latest research findings in reference for researchers and dermatologists, covering the spectrum of procedural dermatology, including skin cancer surgery, laser techniques, fillers and neurotoxins, minimally invasive cosmetic surgery, and emerging procedures. Building off of the highly successful first edition, this book provides the best information available regarding how to select an appropriate procedure for a given indication, helping the reader know how to best perform procedures safely and effectively.

Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology, 2nd edition, includes two primary types of chapters: procedures and indications. Each chapter is designed to be clear and concise, with evidence tables and flowcharts included to showcase best practice. Every cited study is tagged with a level of evidence, and every recommendation includes a strength of evidence score. However, prevention, screening, and diagnosis are not discussed at length since this is a text on procedural approaches, with it being assumed that condition onset has already occurred. Similarly, when relevant conditions are reviewed, medical treatment options are discussed in passing, followed by a detailed explanation and evaluation of only the relevant procedural interventions.

Complete with hundreds of color photographs and charts, this book also discusses the changes that have occurred since the publication of the first edition, including: new lasers and energy devices for skin resurfacing, the advent of cryolipolysis, radiofrequency, ultrasound and chemical adipocytolysis for non-invasive fat reduction and body contouring, novel drugs for treatment of actinic keratoses, and improved staining for Mohs for melanoma.


Aktuelle Dermatologie

Gesamte Spektrum der Dermatologie

Bietet CME, Kasuistiken, Übersichten, Originalien, ein Histo-Quiz und Literaturreferaten internationaler Studien.

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Der Hautarzt

Für Fachärzte in Klinik und Praxis

Informiert über wichtige Entwicklungen in der gesamten Dermatologie, bietet Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem aktuellen Schwerpunktthema sowie Kasuistiken und CME.

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