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Vascular Disease in Older Adults

A Comprehensive Clinical Guide

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage



This book presents a comprehensive and state-of the-art approach to vascular disease for the geriatric patient, focusing on vascular pathology and interventions but also on perioperative care, anesthetic care, functional outcomes and quality of life, as well as ethical considerations that impact decision making. The book addresses open and endovascular interventions in different vascular beds, as well as preoperative workup and optimization, anesthetic considerations, all aspects and expectations of the postoperative care and recovery and is the only book to include specialize in the intricacies of the care of the geriatric patients, the challenging recovery and neurocognitive changes, and ethical considerations for the end stage geriatric patient or in the setting of postoperative complications. Written by experts in the field, each section addresses patient selection, pre-operative considerations, technical conduct of the most common operations with open or endovascular options, and avoiding complications. A brief review of the existing literature addressing the particular topic follows in each section. Extensive illustrations, angiographic images, and treatment algorithms, as well as a summary bullet point table of the key messages at the end of each chapter makes this an interactive text.

With its concise yet comprehensive summary of the field, Care of the Elderly Patient With Vascular Disease is the ultimate resource for physicians of different specialties who care for the geriatric patient with vascular disease.


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