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Radiology 101

Lieferzeit ca. 2 Wochen


5/E 2020

With over 35,000 copies of the first 4 editions sold, Radiology 101 introduces diagnostic imaging to non-radiologists as they are more immediately responsible for patient care and requesting tests. Emphasis is placed on what exam to order with extensive referencing to the ACR Appropriateness Criteria© which will assume new importance as the basis for evidence based clinical decision support when ordering imaging in the near future.

Gives non-specialists the fundamentals and confidence to consult with a radiologist and thus provide a more accurate diagnosis.
Each chapter begins with an outline and ends with a Q&A section, further highlighting need-to-know areas.
One quarter of the contributors are new for this edition, bringing a fresh perspective and new insights and thought leaders
Features tables for symptoms, causes, and differential diagnosis of common diseases and disorders.
More than 1,000 images, including clearly labeled images of normal anatomy from a variety of angles on radiographs, computer tomography, MRI, and ultrasonography.

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