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Textbook of Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritical Care

Volume II - Neurocritical Care

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The 1st edition of this two-volume book deals with anesthesia for neurosurgical conditions and intensive care management of neurosurgical and neurological conditions. The 2nd volume is dedicated to neurocritical care.

This book begins with basic information on the principles of neurocritical care. Management of various neurologic problems such as myasthenia gravis, guillain barre syndrome, epilepsy, stroke and many more are discussed in detail. In a special section, topics related to nursing care, physiotherapy and psychological care of these patients have also been discussed. Issues related to brain death and organ donation have been covered in a separate chapter. A section has been dedicated to common complications observed in neurologic patients during their stay in the intensive care unit. Each complication has been discussed in details and would be helpful to the readers in their clinical practice. Some of the current topics such as role of hypothermia and evidence based practice have also been dealt within chapters towards the end of this volume.

All residents, fellows and trainees in the field of neurointensive care and critical care would be benefitted by this book. Additionally, intensivists and neurocritical care experts could also be benefitted.


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