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Spine Essentials Handbook

A Bulleted Review of Anatomy, Evaluation, Imaging, Tests, and Procedures

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The management of patients with spinal conditions involves a team-based approach, with
professionals and trainees contributing through their respective roles. As such, medical trainees
need resources that enable them to quickly and adeptly learn spine "basics," such as performing
spinal examinations. This handbook is a concise, compact guide on key principles of spine surgical
knowledge - from the atlanto-occipital joint to the coccyx. It provides both professionals and medical
trainees with user-friendly, insightful text gleaned from the hands-on insights of seasoned spinal
Core fundamentals cover spine anatomy, clinical evaluations, spine imaging, diagnostic spine tests,
and select spine procedures. Common surgical approaches are delineated in succinct bulleted text,
accompanied by case studies and radiographic pathology. This format is conducive to learning and
provides an ideal spine surgery review for medical students, postgraduate trainees participating in
spine rotations, and residents.
Key Highlights
The only book on spinal pathology and management created with contributions from medical
students and residents
High-impact citations and questions at the end of each chapter highlight key topics
Detailed drawings, diagrams, radiographic images, and MRIs elucidate and expand upon chapter
Tables provide a quick reference, with concise information including impacted anatomy, nerves, and
procedural maneuvers utilized in exams
Spine Essentials Handbook is a must-have resource for orthopaedic and neurosurgery residents and
medical students. It will also benefit physiatrists, spine practitioners, orthopaedic and neurosurgical
trainees and nurses, and chiropractors.


Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie up2date

Systematische Fort- und Weiterbildung

Bietet Wissen u. a. zu obere und untere Extremitäten, Wirbelsäule, Begutachtung, Polytrauma, Technische Orthopädie und Systemerkrankungen.

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Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery

Von Experten begutachtet

Mit Originalforschungen, Review Papers zur komplexen Rekonstruktion und Mikrochirurgie sowie speziellen Abschnitten für neue Technologien, Innovationen, Materialien und wichtige Problemfälle.

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Arthritis + Rheuma

Praxisnah, verständlich, zuverlässig

Mit wissenschaftlichen Original- und Übersichtsarbeiten, exemplarischen Kasuistiken sowie den neuesten Entwicklungen in Diagnostik und Therapie.

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