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Prognosis of Neurological Diseases

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage



This book offers clear, detailed guidance on all aspects of prognostic evaluation in patients who have been involved in a serious accident with neurological consequences or have been diagnosed with a severe neurological illness. It covers the full range of disorders of the central and the peripheral nervous system, not only providing very accurate prognostic estimates but also addressing relevant clinical issues, differential diagnosis, and the role of imaging. The book is practically oriented and designed for use on a daily basis when assessing prognosis and discussing the outcome with patients, their families, and other interested parties. It will support patient-doctor partnerships by ensuring that the most professional answers can be given to patients' and doctors' questions and by promoting realistic expectations of the effect of medical interventions. In addition, it will enable doctors, lawyers, and other professionals to understand relevant issues when an estimate of prognosis and life expectancy is the subject of legal dispute.


Klinische Neurophysiologie

Alles zur neurologischen Funktionsdiagnostik

Bietet Originalarbeiten, Systematische Reviews, besonders interessante Fälle, ein Neuro-Quiz und Fortbildungsbeiträge mit CME-Punkten.

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Ideal für die Fort- und Weiterbildung

Von aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und praxistauglichen Informationen bis hin zu Empfehlungen und Leitlinien der DMKG und DGM.

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