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Remington and Klein's Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant

expert consult

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8/E 2015

Zu diesem Artikel existiert eine Neuauflage

Maldonado, Yvonne; Nizet, Victor; Barnett, Elizabeth D.; Maldonado, Y.; Nizet, V.; Barnett, E.D.
€ 265,00

Written and edited by the leading authorities in the field, the revised 6th edition of this authoritative reference provides the most up to date and complete guidance on infectious diseases of the fetus and newborn. Together they provide definitive coverage of microbiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis of infections acquired in utero, during delivery, and in the early months of life in both premature and term infants.
What's New
Offers fresh perspectives from two new editors—Drs. Carol Baker, past president of IDSA, and renowned immunologist Christopher Wilson.
Features a new chapter organization that facilitates quick and easy access to specific guidance.
Includes new chapters that address smallpox and vaccinia candidiasis •and less common fungal infections (including pneumocystis).
Provides information on the effects of bioterrorism.

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