T-type calcium channels are widely expressed in every organ throughout the body. They have been implicated in a variety of physiological processes, including contraction, shape change, secretion, endo- and exocytosis, cell proliferation and differentiation, modulation of enzyme function and cell cycle progression. Needless to say, the implications of these channels in a wide range of diseases have been increasingly appreciated in recently years. The raison d'être of this book is to present a series of comprehensive reviews, not otherwise available, of the current understanding of the T-type calcium channels at the level of the basic sciences as well as the clinical sciences. For key organ systems, information will be provided on the correlation between the molecular, biophysical, and pharmacological properties of the channel and their cellular mechanisms and potential roles in the pathogenesis of various diseases. The compilation will include the commonplace, the unusual, and the relatively rare and less well-known advances of these channels. The plan of presentation will be designed to provide interest appeal for the casual readers as well as for specialists in basic and clinical research of this transporter.