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Return-to-Play after Lower Limb Muscle Injury in Football

The Italian Consensus Conference Guidelines

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage



Return to training (RTT) and return to play (RTP) decisions in football are currently based on expert opinion. However, there are no consensus guidelines on evidence-based decision-making. This book provides a framework for evidence- based decision-making in RTP following lower-limb muscle injuries sustained in football

Based on the "Italian Consensus Conference (2019) on return-to-play after lower limb muscle injury in football", it provides a list of RTT and RTP criteria after such injuries compiled by orthopedic surgeons, sports physicians, radiologists, rehabilitation physicians, sport physiologists, general surgeons, family physicians, physiotherapists, physical trainers and psychologists working in elite football in Italy.

The book identifies the main criteria for RTT and RTP following injuries involving the most important muscle groups, i.e. quadriceps, hamstring, hip adductor, hip external rotator and soleus-gastrocnemius.

As such it is a valuable reference resource for practitioners making RTT and RTT decisions.

Focused on the return to play after lower-limb muscle injuries in football

Describes the monitoring of the return to play decision-making process using the Global Positioning System

Provides didactic material that allows readers to put the decision-making process described into practice


OUP - Zeitschrift für die orthopädische und unfallchirurgische Praxis

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