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Measurements in Cardiopulmonary Imaging: When, How, Why

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This book provides a comprehensive overview of why, how and when to perform measurement in cardiothoracic imaging. During the past two decades, medical imaging has moved over simple 2D visual analysis and has entered into the area of 3D and 4D quantification and function. Standardization of acquisition and reconstruction parameters is a paramount prerequisite to provide accurate measurements and quantification, this for all imaging modalities. Each chapter includes a detailed and critical review of how to obtain quantitative data according to the conditions and circumstances. Special emphasis is placed on routine and research applications and the clinical impact of all medical imaging modalities in each setting.

In providing expert, up-to-date guidance on why, how and when to perform measurement or quantification, this book will be an invaluable resource for all young or confirmed radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians, cardiologists, radiographers and clinicians who are involved in cardiothoracic disorders.

The first book on measurement/quantification in cardiothoracic imaging for more than 40 years

A comprehensive review of all measurements/quantification in the field with practical application to clinical practice

Written by international experts in their respective fields

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