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Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 20th Edition

Lieferzeit ca. 2 Wochen


20/E 2021

The book that serves as the basis for the popular “Harrison’s Podclass” podcast series!

This outstanding collection of internal medicine Q&A is perfect for prepping for board or shelf exams, getting in multiple “reps” of self directed learning, and increasing your understanding of clinical reasoning. It’s packed with 1,000+ high-quality clinical vignettes, with expert, on-point explanations for correct and incorrect answers.

Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine reflects all the specialties of internal medicine, and has been exhaustively revised and updated to reflect hundreds of never-before published Q&A in board-style format. This great resource will bolster your understanding of pathophysiology, epidemiology, differential diagnosis, clinical decision making, and therapeutics. Illustrations, radiographs, and pathology slides are included throughout. Each question is accompanied by a complete answer and explanation, and cross-referenced to Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine for deeper-dive understanding.

325 full-color photos and illustrations
Clinical vignettes and Q&A presented in board-style format
Content consistent with board exam blueprint in internal medicine
Aligned with Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, the global authority in medicine
Explanations for correct and incorrect answer choices

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