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Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice

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6/E 2022

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Chisholm-Burns, Marie A; Kolesar, Jill M; Malone, Patrick M; Lee, Kelly C; Bookstaver, P Brandon; et al.
€ 243,50

All the main concepts from the landmark Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach—distilled down to a concise, clinically focused, full-color resource

Providing a solid evidence-based approach, Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice, Sixth Edition explains how to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate medication therapy. You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of the underlying principles of the pharmacotherapy of disease?and their practical application.

Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice includes chapters on geriatrics, pediatrics, and palliative care. Each of the subsequent disease-based chapters covers disease epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and diagnosis, nonpharmacologic therapy, followed by therapeutic recommendations for medication selection, desired outcomes, dosing, and patient monitoring.


Chapters are written/reviewed by pharmacists, NPs, PAs, and physicians considered authorities in their fields
Learning objectives with associated content identified with a margin rule
Disorder-based organization makes finding answers quick and easy
Surveys the full range of organ system disorders treated in pharmacy practice
Knowledge-building boxed features within chapters cover Clinical Presentation & Diagnosis, Patient Encounters, and Patient Care and Monitoring Guidelines
Standardized chapter format
Laboratory values are presented in conventional and Systemé International units
Key concepts are indicated in text with numbered icons
Content on cultural competency
Online Learning Center


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