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ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription


Lieferzeit ca. 2 Wochen


11/E 2021

The flagship title from the prestigious American College of
Sports Medicine, this critical handbook delivers scientifically
based, evidence-informed standards to prepare you for success.
Providing succinct summaries of recommended procedures
for exercise testing and exercise prescription in healthy and
diseased patients, this trusted manual is an essential resource
for all exercise professionals, as well as other health professionals
who may counsel patients on exercise including physicians,
nurses, physician’s assistants, physical and occupational
therapists, dieticians, and health care administrators. The
extensively updated eleventh edition has been reorganized for
greater clarity and integrates the latest Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
? UPDATED! Integrated guidelines, including the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for
Americans, reflect the most current, clinically sound approaches to exercise testing and
? NEW! Chapter on conditions that affect the brain familiarizes students with specific strategies
for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, depression and anxiety.
? UPDATED! Enhanced organization helps students find information quickly and easily.
? FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type) boxes make locating critical exercise prescription
information quick and easy.
? Revised appendices integrate valuable information on ECGs, medication and emergency
management where it is most relevant. A new appendix on metabolic equations is included.
? Additional boxes, tables, and figures highlight important concepts and approaches at a glance.
? eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform
learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the
ability to highlight and share notes, and more.


OUP - Zeitschrift für die orthopädische und unfallchirurgische Praxis

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