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The Experts Guide to Medical and Surgical Management

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage



This book provides a comprehensive review on the surgical care of patients requiring removal of an eye, as well as consequent functional and cosmetic rehabilitation. In addition to covering the crafting of ocular prosthetics, Anophthalmia: The Expert's Guide to Medical and Surgical Management also addresses the psychological and physical adjustments to losing an eye, and adapting to that loss.

Divided into five parts, Anophthalmia functions as a go-to reference for ophthalmologists and oculoplastic surgeons. The book begins by laying out the clinical foundations and history of anophthalmia. Part II and III discuss surgical removal techniques, prosthesis fitting and maintenance, congenital anophthalmia, infections and inflammations, and newer surgical techniques such as osseointegration after orbital exenteration. Finally, the book concludes with chapters on prosthetic options including scleral shells, keratopigmentation procedures, and cosmetic contact lenses.

Unique in content, Anophthalmia is a vital resource for practicing ophthalmologists, oculoplastic surgeons, and all medical professionals who care for patients with surgical and traumatic loss of the eye and orbital tissues. Additionally, sufficient detail and explanation make this work accessible to those in training, such as medical students, ophthalmology residents, and fellows.


Augenheilkunde up2date

Schnell, unkompliziert, praxisnah

Bietet evidenzbasiertes Wissen, Handlungspfade und Arbeitsabläufe, Studienreferate zu internationalen Studien und CME-Beiträge für die Fortbildung.

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Der Ophthalmologe

Aktuell, gesichert, praxisrelevant

Bietet Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem Schwerpunktthema, konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen sowie interessante Fallbeispiele und ungewöhnliche Krankheits- bzw. Behandlungsverläufe.

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Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde

Konzentriertes Wissen aus Praxis und Klinik

Mit Ergebnissen internationaler Forschung, Übersichtsarbeiten für die tägliche Praxis, breite klinische Berichterstattung und CME-Fortbildung.

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