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Ophthalmology Q&A Board Review

+ Online at MedOne Q&A

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Looking for an efficient and thorough question-based Ophthalmology review for residency exams, board review and beyond? Look no further!

Ophthalmology Q&A Board Review features a compilation of board review questions and an interactive online Q bank curated by expert subspecialists and edited by Harvard- and Columbia University-trained ophthalmologist Lora Glass. The text mirrors the multiple-choice format of the Written Qualifying Examination (WQE) portion of the American Board of Ophthalmology. The Q&A board prep review encompasses a thorough ophthalmology curriculum, with more than 1,000 questions classified as easy, medium, or hard. Clear and detailed explanations make difficult topics such as optics easier to understand.

Key Highlights

Written and online formats provide multi-modal and on-the-go review
The interactive online Q bank facilitates answering questions at random or based on a board category
Each question includes a detailed answer explaining correct and incorrect choices, enhancing learning and knowledge retention
A wealth of high-quality images augments the text

This is a great resource for ophthalmology residents preparing for OKAP and candidates studying for the ABO boards.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com.


Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde

Konzentriertes Wissen aus Praxis und Klinik

Mit Ergebnissen internationaler Forschung, Übersichtsarbeiten für die tägliche Praxis, breite klinische Berichterstattung und CME-Fortbildung.

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Der Ophthalmologe

Aktuell, gesichert, praxisrelevant

Bietet Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem Schwerpunktthema, konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen sowie interessante Fallbeispiele und ungewöhnliche Krankheits- bzw. Behandlungsverläufe.

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Augenheilkunde up2date

Schnell, unkompliziert, praxisnah

Bietet evidenzbasiertes Wissen, Handlungspfade und Arbeitsabläufe, Studienreferate zu internationalen Studien und CME-Beiträge für die Fortbildung.

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