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Oxford Textbook of Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography

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Advanced critical care echocardiography brings many benefits to critical care medicine. For those wishing to practice echo at a more advance level, it is necessary to master the theoretical aspects. The Oxford Textbook of Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography provides a physiological and evidence-based reference guide to the principles and techniques of advanced echocardiography. Both transoesophageal and transthoracic echocardiography are addressed and over 300 videos, 470 figures and, 140 mcqs are included making this an ideal adjunct for courses for intensivists.

The foundations of advanced echocardiography are outlined before specific assessment methods of critical care echo are provided. In reality, most critically ill patients do not suffer only one clinical problem so a section on integrated techniques explains how to answer both common and unexpected critical care questions. Finally the re use of echocardiography in critical care is explored. Important reference values for clinical use can be accessed easily in the appendices.

The Oxford Textbook of Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography includes access to online-only content, consisting of videos, figures and multiple choice questions that can be used to reinforce understanding. This online material can be accessed by activating your unique access code.

Authored by an international team of expert practitioners this textbook reflects the International Consensus Statement on Training Standards for Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography. Designed for trainees and consultants, this resource provides comprehensive and integrated coverage of all aspects of advanced critical care echo.


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