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Graber and Wilburs Family Medicine Examination and Board Review, Fifth Edition

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5/E 2022

n engagingly written case-based review for the Family Medicine Board Examination and the USMLE Step 3

Widely recognized as the ideal study guide for the primary and recertification exams in family medicine and licensure exams, Graber and Wilbur's Family Medicine Examination and Board Review, Fifth Edition has been updated throughout to maintain currency and freshness?including new bits of humor that make the book fun to read and studying more enjoyable.

Featuring hundreds of progressive cases, this acclaimed review has been applauded by residents and students for its "building-block approach" to learning that assures readers understand one subject before moving on to the next. The Fifth Edition has also been enhanced with cutting-edge coverage of topics such as health maintenance, decision-making, and metacognition.

•More than 350 progressive case studies that reflect the realities of clinical practice and prepare readers for the exams
•A 200-question final exam with answers referenced to pages in the book
•Detailed answer explanations for most questions that explain not only why an answer is right, but why the other answers are wrong
•Comprehensive coverage of ALL topics on the boards and recertifying exam
•Super-effective learning aids such as Quick Quizzes, learning objectives, clinical pearls, and more
•Color photographs of conditions most easily diagnosed by appearance
•Written not only to help pass exams, but to also update knowledge of family medicine with state-of-the-art information
•An outstanding refresher for primary care physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners


MMW – Fortschritte in der Medizin

Fachliche Qualität und Fortbildung für die Praxis

MMW bietet einen hohen Praxisnutzen durch kompetent und lesefreundlich aufbereitete aktuelle Medizininhalte und CME-Fortbildung.

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Fortbildung für die medizinische Praxis

Jede Ausgabe bietet 2 didaktisch aufbereitete Beiträge für die Fortbildung sowie Referate aktueller klinischer Studien, Interviews und Kasuistiken.

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DMW – Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift

In der Praxis immer informiert sein

Bietet wissenschaftlich fundiertes Fachwissen mit Dossier zu einem Schwerpunktthema und neue Erkenntnisse aus der Inneren Medizin.

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