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Critical Care Review: 1000 Questions and Answers

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Covering all four critical care board exams (anesthesiology, surgery, internal medicine, and neurology), Critical Care Medicine Review: 1000 Questions and Answers prepares you for exam success as well as clinical practice in today’s ICU. This full-color, easy-to-use review tool provides challenging case studies, relevant images, multiple-choice board-style questions, rationales for correct and incorrect answers, and references for every question. Edited by instructors of anesthesia and critical care from Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, this comprehensive resource is an ideal study guide for critical care fellows, recertifying practitioners, and CCRNs.

Contains 1000 multiple-choice, case study questions and answers that mirror the four critical care exams in both content and distribution of questions and topics.
Covers all body systems as well as Surgery, Trauma, and Transplantation; Pharmacology and Toxicology; Research, Administration, and Ethics; and miscellaneous topics such as pregnancy, dermatologic disorders, and thermoregulatory disorders.
Answers include detailed rationales for both correct and incorrect responses, as well as references for further study and review.

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