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Medical Microbiology

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Wochen


3/E 2019

iomedical scientists are the foundation of modern healthcare, from cancer screening to diagnosing HIV, from blood transfusion for surgery to food poisoning and infection control. Without biomedical scientists, the diagnosis of disease, the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment, and research into the causes and cures of disease would not be possible.

The Fundamentals of Biomedical Science series has been written to reflect the challenges of practicing biomedical science today. It draws together essential basic science with insights into laboratory practice to show how an understanding of the biology of disease is coupled to the analytical approaches that lead to diagnosis. Assuming only a minimum of prior knowledge, the series reviews the full range of disciplines to which a Biomedical Scientist may be exposed - from microbiology to cytopathology to transfusion science.
Medical Microbiology covers a range of key laboratory techniques used in the diagnosis of important human diseases caused by microorganisms. From sample collection, through to analysis and laboratory investigation, the text covers a wide range of procedures and highlights how and why results are generated. The third edition has been expanded to cover a wider range of topics, including a new chapter on Whole Genome Sequencing and extended coverage of syphilis and MALDI.

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