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Oxford Textbook of Medicine

3 Volumes

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Wochen


6/E 2020

The Oxford Textbook of Medicine is the foremost international textbook of medicine. Unrivalled in its coverage of the scientific aspects and clinical practice of internal medicine and its subspecialties, it is a fixture in the offices and wards of physicians around the world , as well as being a key resource for medico-legal practitioners. Accessible digitally with regular updates, as well as in print, readers are provided with multiple avenues of access depending on their need and preference.

More comprehensive, more authoritative, and more international than any other textbook; Oxford Textbook of Medicine focuses on offering both perspective and practical guidance on clinical management and prevention of disease.

Introductory sections focus on the patient experience, medical ethics and clinical decision making, outlining a philosophy which has always characterized the Oxford Textbook of Medicine. It is humane, thought-provoking, and aims to instill in readers an understanding of the role of medicine in society and the contribution it can make to the health of populations, and it does not shy away from discussion of controversial aspects of modern medicine.

As always, there is detailed coverage of all areas of internal medicine by the world's very best authors. The Oxford Textbook of Medicine seeks to embody advances in understanding and practice that have arisen through scientific research. The integration of basic science and clinical practice is unparalleled, and throughout the book the implications of research for medical practice are explained. The core clinical medicine sections offer in-depth coverage of the traditional specialty areas. The Oxford Textbook of Medicine has unsurpassed detail on infectious diseases: the most comprehensive coverage to be found in any textbook of medicine. Other sections of note include stem cells and regenerative medicine; inequalities in health; medical aspects of pollution and climate change; travel and expedition medicine; bioterrorism and forensic medicine; pain; medical disorders in pregnancy; nutrition; and psychiatry and drug related problems in general medical practice. The section on acute medicine is designed to give rapid access to information when it is needed quickly.

In response to ongoing user feedback there have been substantial changes to ensure that the Oxford Textbook of Medicine continues to meet the needs of its readers. Chapter essentials give accessible overviews of the content and a new design ensures that the textbook is easy to read and navigate. The evidence-base and references continue to be at the forefront of research.

New to this edition is that purchasers of the print version of the Oxford Textbook of Medicine sixth edition will have free access on Oxford Medicine Online to all the content plus regular updates for the life of the edition.

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