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Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine

A Comprehensive Study Guide

Lieferzeit ca. 2 Wochen


9/E 2019

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The long awaited new edition of the world's most widely used and highly regarded textbook and reference of emergency medicine -- Endorsed by the American College of Emergency Physicians
Unquestionably the leading text in emergency medicine, Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine is a true must-have resource for everyone in emergency medicine --- from residents to practicing physicians. The Ninth Edition of provides the depth and breadth of coverage that reflects the complexity and expertise needed to practice emergency medicine successfully in today's fast -paced environments. It is an important contemporary clinical emergency care resource for physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who practice emergency medicine and for emergency medicine and pediatric emergency medicine fellows. It remains the preferred study guide for in-training and board examinations and recertification.
This comprehensive text covers everything from prehospital care, disaster preparedness, and basic resuscitative techniques to all the major diseases requiring emergency treatment in adults and children, such as pulmonary emergencies, renal and genitourinary disorders, and hemophilia.
*Full-color design with more tables than ever to succinctly present key information*Extensive updates to all sections, incorporating the latest guidelines, evidence-based protocols, and relevant research*Online access to more than 50 videos, covering a wide range of procedural and diagnostic topics and focusing on the latest ultrasound-guided techniques - most NEW to this edition*NEW Chief Complaint infographics for the Thirty Most Common Presenting Symptoms in the Emergency Department. These printable, downloadable guides feature algorithms, mnemonics, and succinct text to assist differential diagnosis.



Aktuelles Fachwissen mit Fortbildung

Bietet CME-Artikel, Übersichtsarbeiten, Neues aus der Forschung sowie Informationen zu Patienten-, Selbst- und Qualitätsmanagement.

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Notaufnahme up2date

Die Zeitschrift für eine optimale Notfallversorgung

Die Fortbildungszeitschrift bietet Wissen für die tägliche Arbeit in der Notaufnahme und ist der ideale Begleiter für die Zusatzweiterbildung Klinische Akut- und Notfallmedizin.

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Notfall + Rettungsmedizin

Für die präklinische und innerklinische Notfallmedizin

Mit Ergebnissen aktueller notfallmedizinischer Studien, Kasuistiken und ungewöhnlichen Notfall- bzw. Behandlungsverläufen sowie CME-zertifizierte Fortbildung.

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