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A Practical Guide to the Practice of Surgery

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This indispensable guide for medical students and surgery residents shows you exactly what to expect in the wards and the OR, how to behave, and how to perform many of the basic procedures you may be asked to do. Written by staff and residents of the Department of Surgery at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, this highly practical manual prepares you for the new and often intimidating OR environment, giving you the confidence to demonstrate what you’ve learned, avoid missteps, understand expected etiquette, and perform at your best in a demanding and dynamic setting.

Focuses your learning in three distinct areas: Introduction to a Typical Surgical Service, Introduction to the OR, and Tools and Technical Skills.
Spells out the roles of each member of the surgical team, how to be a team player and demonstrate proper etiquette, and what opportunities there are to help.
Introduces you to the tools in the surgery tool box and how to use them.
Groups skills by those appropriate for students and those appropriate for residents.
Includes videos demonstrating how to perform basic techniques, shot entirely by staff and residents of the Department of Surgery at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

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Der Chirurg

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