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Adult Chest Surgery

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3/E 2020

The most authoritative, comprehensive, and clinically focused guide to operative thoracic surgery – updated with the latest techniques and technologies

Adult Chest Surgery, Third Edition is a thorough, hands-on guide to the modern practice of general thoracic surgery. Broad in scope and straightforward in style and presentation, this classic is an outstanding reference for any clinician in need of a comprehensive description of the clinical nature of general thoracic surgery. This new edition is enriched by more than 600 illustrations that were drawn specifically for this book.

The Third Edition of Adult Chest Surgery focuses on providing cutting-edge and up-to-date procedural and clinical management instructions in a field that is constantly changing. The previous edition highlighted minimally invasive, endoscopic, and robotic techniques, and this new edition will even further emphasize these developing technologies.

Essential for residents preparing for a case, surgeons seeking management tips, and surgeon specialists preparing for board recertification, Adult Chest Surgery features a logical organization based on anatomy, and each section has an overview chapter, which summarizes the relevant anatomy, pathophysiology, and diagnostic and procedural options. Throughout, operations and diagnostic procedures are highlighted in succinct, illustrated technique chapters.

•Covers the entire range of thoracic surgical techniques and management, along with crucial preoperative evaluation, staging, and postoperative strategies
•Offers a unified approach and presentation that is missing from competitive titles, along with a scope of content suitable for both the general surgeon and the chest specialist


Zeitschrift für Herz-, Thorax- und Gefäßchirurgie

Immer up to date bleiben

Bietet aktuelle chirurgische und technologische Trends, Kasuistiken zu ungewöhnlichen Krankheits- bzw. Behandlungsverläufen, CME-Fortbildung und Expertenkommentare.

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Zentralblatt für Chirurgie

Praxisrelevantes für die Chirurgie

Mit Aktuellem zur Chirurgie, Kurzreferaten, Übersichten und Originalarbeiten sowie interessanten, seltenen oder ungewöhnlichen Fällen.

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The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Immer auf dem Laufenden sein

Mit Originalartikeln und Besprechungsankündigungen über wichtige klinische Fortschritte sowie Hintergrundwissen zur kardiovaskulären und thorakalen Chirurgie.

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