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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Immunology and Allergy

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Wochen


4/E 2019

This new edition of Clinical Immunology and Allergy is a practical and clinically based guide for clinicians and laboratory staff to aid diagnosis and management of immunological and allergic disease, and provides examples of the correct selection and interpretation of immunological tests for a wide range of conditions. Fully updated from the previous edition, with the addition of new diseases recently identified from the use of genetic testing, and novel biological therapies and autoantibody tests, this title covers the entire breadth of the field, with the information at your fingertips.

Split into two sections, the first covering individual diseases and allergies, with diagnosis and management strategies, and the second describing appropriate laboratory tests and their interpretation, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Immunology and Allergy is an invaluable reference text, and works as a succinct revision guide for the FRCPath in Immunology. Filled with cross-references to create a cohesive overview of a complex subject, and presented in concise bullet-points for detailed direction to the key facts, this handbook provides everything you need to help you in clinical practice.


Arthritis + Rheuma

Praxisnah, verständlich, zuverlässig

Mit wissenschaftlichen Original- und Übersichtsarbeiten, exemplarischen Kasuistiken sowie den neuesten Entwicklungen in Diagnostik und Therapie.

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