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Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV, and Sexual Health

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3/E 2019

The Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV, and Sexual Health returns for a third edition, fully updated to encompass the changes in the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, British HIV Association, and Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare guidelines and recommendations.

Developments in sexual healthcare provision, including identifying child sexual exploitation, legal obligations in regard to female genital mutilation, and gender diversity, are covered in new chapters and topics. HIV management is covered in greater detail, including PrEP for prophylaxis, drug interactions during treatment, and antiretroviral toxicity, with expanded topics on managing pregnancy with HIV. More colour plates are included, to feature a greater number of common dermatological presentations in genitourinary medicine and HIV to better aid diagnosis.

Maintaining the concise yet comprehensive style of the Oxford Handbook series, The Oxford Handbook of Genitourinary Medicine, HIV, and Sexual Health provides a wealth of detailed, evidence-based, and clinically focused information on all aspects of the discipline, from STI diagnosis and management to medico-legal issues. This Handbook is a key single reference work for healthcare professionals, sexual health specialists, trainee doctors, and nurses with an interest in the field, making it an indispensable resource to keep on hand at all times.


Aktuelle Dermatologie

Gesamte Spektrum der Dermatologie

Bietet CME, Kasuistiken, Übersichten, Originalien, ein Histo-Quiz und Literaturreferaten internationaler Studien.

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Der Hautarzt

Für Fachärzte in Klinik und Praxis

Informiert über wichtige Entwicklungen in der gesamten Dermatologie, bietet Übersichtsarbeiten zu einem aktuellen Schwerpunktthema sowie Kasuistiken und CME.

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