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Patellofemoral Pain and Instability

Etiology, Diagnosis and Management

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1st ed. 2019

Practical and user-friendly, this book is a simple and straightforward clinical guide to understanding the common problems and pathologies seen in the patellofemoral joint, clearly outlining the most prevalent problems encountered and highlighting the latest surgical techniques. Divided into two major sections on patellofemoral pain and instability, it discusses etiology, making the correct diagnosis, and how to manage these problems in both adults as well as in the skeletally immature, using outcomes-based approaches for each condition. Part I covers topics such as anterior knee pain, malalignment and overload syndromes, and arthritis, while part II describes conditions such as acute patellar dislocation, recurrent instability and how to avoid complications. Both parts also include chapters on imaging strategies for the knee.
Providing the most current research on these topics in a field that is rapidly changing and evolving, and explaining the treatments and their support in the current literature, Patellofemoral Pain and Instability is an up-to-date, straightforward resource for orthopedic surgeons and residents, sports medicine specialists, and any clinical professional treating conditions of the knee.


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