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Comprehensive Management

Lieferzeit ca. 5 Werktage



This text serves as a very useful clinical guide and realistic approach to the clinical management of melanoma. Primary care physicians, specialists from varying areas of medical practice and numerous other healthcare providers will find this text to be quite useful as a standard daily reference and use in the office setting. It provides a clear and concise source of information in order to make real-life, evidence-based decisions for all aspects of management for cutaneous melanoma. This book also provides the latest breakthroughs in melanoma research, ranging from recent discoveries in genomics and epigenetics, to newly identified genes that have been selectively targeted for the development of a personalized approach to treatment. All chapters are written by specialists and true experts within their respective fields, incorporating the latest scientific, clinical and evidence-based medicine for melanoma (and non-melanoma skin cancers). This up-to-date information can be easily applied and translated to the clinical setting for the melanoma patient.


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