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Sports Medicine

Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery

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Print- und e-Ausgabe

2/E 2019

Part of the highly regarded Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery series , Sports Medicine, Second Edition , is a concise, lavishly illustrated reference covering key sports medicine surgeries in step-by-step detail. Ideal for orthopaedic surgery sports medicine specialists, this Second Edition presents the preferred techniques of surgical masters, illustrated with full-color, sequential, surgeon’s-eye view intraoperative photographs, as well as superb drawings by noted medical illustrators. Fourteen new chapters keep you fully up to date with recent changes in the field.

Provides the up-to-date guidance you need to master both traditional techniques and innovative new procedures in sports medicine surgery.
Features 14 all-new chapters:
Open Anterior Shoulder Stabilization
Latarjet Procedure
Superior Capsular Reconstruction
Augmentation of Single Bundle ACL tears
Individualized Approach to ACL Reconstruction)
The Anterolateral Ligament
Extra-articular Tenodesis of the Knee
Double Bundle PCL Reconstruction
Osteotomies About the Knee
Labral Reconstruction
Sub-spine Impingment of the Hip
Proximal Hamstring Avulsions
Achilles Tendon Repair
Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talar Dome: Surgical Options
Covers pertinent surgical anatomy and includes the authors’ pearls and tips throughout.
Focuses on selecting and performing the correct technique for optimal surgical outcomes.
Helps you acquire both knowledge and skill as you master the art and science of sports medicine surgery with guidance from leading sports medicine surgeons.

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Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie up2date

Systematische Fort- und Weiterbildung

Bietet Wissen u. a. zu obere und untere Extremitäten, Wirbelsäule, Begutachtung, Polytrauma, Technische Orthopädie und Systemerkrankungen.

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Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery

Von Experten begutachtet

Mit Originalforschungen, Review Papers zur komplexen Rekonstruktion und Mikrochirurgie sowie speziellen Abschnitten für neue Technologien, Innovationen, Materialien und wichtige Problemfälle.

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Fuß & Sprunggelenk

Immer auf dem aktuellen Stand sein

Mit Originalartikeln, Rezensionen innerhalb und außerhalb von Spezialthemen, Berichten über moderne Operationstechniken, Fallberichten sowie klinischen Tipps und Tricks.

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